Sunday, April 24, 2016

Reading Round-Up

We have failed you, Casketeers! It's been over a month and a half since we've posted anything. The "currently reading" books are already read (or mostly read). As I write this, our blog header still says books are a good antidote to winter's cold nights. It's almost May.

For shame. 

Actually, Liz has been in a really busy season at work. And I've been sick (hospital level sick, so I'm not just making excuses). Together, it's made blogging very difficult. But we're both looking forward to getting back to posting regularly. We've read some good books over the last couple of months, and we're eager (slight exaggeration, possibly) to get reviews up for them.* 

But in the meantime, have you seen some of these bookish links? 

For those of you with a dark or vulgar sense of humor, there's this video of a man who took fake book covers on the subway and recorded people's reactions. Or, a bit tamer but still a little edgy - here are some classic children's books with updated funny titles.

Here's a nice list from Bustle of books with slow starts. Some of these are on our to-read lists. I have mixed feelings on books that start too slow. The Book Thief was super hard to get through simply because the first half of it just dragged on and on and on...  

And check out this wonderful list from Verily that explains various ways reading fiction improves mental health and keeps your brain agile. 

Liz and I often share book-related products with each other and this list was no exception. The pillow chair! The shirt with the anatomy of a book lover! The candle that smells like the Shire! Can't stop!

If you love Harry Potter (of course you love Harry Potter), you will likely enjoy this list of potential Harry Potter sequels. Although... the title annoys me because many of these ideas are prequels. Dammit, Buzzfeed! I've often said that I'd really enjoy prequels that focus on the original Order of the Phoenix. I'm also really loving the idea of the seven original books, but from Dumbledore's perspective. (Obviously I don't expect that to happen, but it would be amazing!)

Speaking of Harry Potter... I'm not above a little self-promotion now and then. Go check out my list of Harry Potter-inspired baby names.. Part 1 and Part 2. (And while we're on the topic, check out this post about literary baby names over on Barnes and Noble.)

We might need to check out some of these historical fiction novels based on real women. 

Here's a list of "inspiring books to read when you're feeling lonely and need some cheering up." I've read three of the books: Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Martian, and Why Not Me? I can't comment on the others, but I can say that Perks will most likely not cheer you up. The Martian was pretty awesome, but is about a dude who is stranded and alone, so I don't know if it'll necessarily help with feelings of loneliness.... but Mindy's book, yes, will cheer you up. Good books, nonetheless. 

And here's a super cute little bookish DIY project, in case you're in the crafting mood. 

Liz & Char

*Oh, and quick announcement: I really did not like the flirting book, so I am no longer writing reviews of the chapters. I even brought it to the library to donate. If you need help flirting, look elsewhere. <3